
Automobiles are complicated things. Not only do you need to have a good understanding of the mechanical parts of the car, you also need to understand how to care for the exterior and how to diagnose and repair any problems. I do not work in an auto repair shop but over the past couple of years, I have received an education from my older brother. My older brother works as a mechanic so he knows an awful lot about how to maintain an automobile. Since I purchased my own car, I have been practising on how to keep it in good working order.


How to Look for Early Signs of Brake Trouble on Your Car

13 November 2017
Automotive, Blog

Many people take their car's braking system for granted, but it is quite a remarkable invention. After all, you are relying on the laws of physics and a liquid to bring a vehicle weighing several tonnes to a halt from high speed. If you think about what's at stake when you and your family are taking a road trip, you would be constantly on the lookout for any warning signs associated with impending brake trouble.
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Taking care of your tyres

5 September 2017
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Car owners love their cars, whether for the comfort, convenience and elegance or performance, speed and overall desirability. This means that they will take care of their cars and ensure they run for as long as possible or until they get a replacement. Maintenance and service are always a priority when referring to car care but one element that is often overlooked is tyre care. Tyres are subject to wear and tear and thus require constant maintenance so as to provide maximum safety and efficiency.
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Fault Identification and Analysis Competencies of Driving Instructors

28 August 2017
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Driving is a psychomotor skill which combines thinking with physical action. The thinking comprises taking in information and using it to make informed decisions. On the other hand, the physical part of driving involves using the various controls and coordinating your physical movements. This means driving instructors need a high level of competency in the following areas: Fault Identification As a driving instructor, the first step to rectifying your learners' driving faults is to identify them.
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What You Need to Know If You’re Thinking About Importing a Car to Australia

21 August 2017
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Are you an automotive enthusiast who likes a certain type of car? Maybe you like vintage cars, pride yourself in restoration and showing off your work in exhibitions or perhaps you are an amateur racing driver. In all these cases, you may have your eye on a vehicle overseas and are thinking about bringing it into Australia. Often this is possible, but you will almost invariably have to get a specific type of import car permit first.
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Why Trailer Brakes May Fail to Disengage

18 August 2017
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Some owners of trailers may notice that the brakes of those trailers may fail to disengage after the driver has braked suddenly. The root cause of this problem needs to be diagnosed correctly so that an appropriate solution can be implemented. This article discusses some of the common causes of locked trailer brakes. Clogged Orifice Brake fluid is supposed to flow freely into and out of the orifice depending on the presence or absence of pressure exerted upon it.
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About Me
Everything You Need to Know About Automobiles

Automobiles are complicated things. Not only do you need to have a good understanding of the mechanical parts of the car, you also need to understand how to care for the exterior and how to diagnose and repair any problems. I do not work in an auto repair shop but over the past couple of years, I have received an education from my older brother. My older brother works as a mechanic so he knows an awful lot about how to maintain an automobile. Since I purchased my own car, I have been practising on how to keep it in good working order.
